Property Managers Work With Us To Improve Guest Stays

Property managers know they can get a great deal through a partnership with Honest Sherpa. Why store, clean and maintain extra products that vacationing families often request when your guests can just rent those items directly from us? We handle those orders, providing free delivery 24/7, and property managers get the benefit of making additional money through the rentals, having fully satisfied guests, and removing themselves from the heavy lifting. 

With us you have 2 choices:

1. You can rent our products to your guests directly and just send us the orders for fulfillment - you receive discount rates so that you can charge guests directly. We bill our property managers at the end of each month for all orders delivered during the month.

2. An alternative is to work as an Affiliate for us where you make your guests aware of our service through various email, print and digital marketing methods that we help you with, and you send the guest to us so that we can handle the entire process from start to finish. You receive an affiliate fee at the end of each month on every order placed with us. All of this is handled on our end, so you never have to pay any fees or lift any fingers ... all while making every vacationer's experience superior to help ensure rebookings the following year.

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