How it works

Property Managers Work With Us To Improve Guest Stays
We have been working with Property Managers for over 15 years, so we know what they need and how important Quality of Service is to them. This experience can provide a treasure trove of benefits to Property Managers that choose to work with us for all of the extra gear and amenities needed for the vacation homes they manage.

Stop buying, storing and managing vacation gear for your customers - and outsource to us! We can handle any amenity request, whether it's a gas grill, baby crib, stroller, or wheelchair ... or maybe an air conditioner or refrigerator has broken down in a unit and you need one now. We handle all of these situations and all types of vacation gear ... and what's even more important is that we provide free delivery and pickup 7 days a week, every day but Christmas. Oh, and we also provide Christmas Trees! There are two ways that we work with property managers.

Managed Service
In the Managed Service option, the Property Manager manages the customer and offers our full assortment of products to their guests. Guests rent directly from the property manager and order all products requested from us. We deliver and pickup on behalf of the property manager. Usually in this scenario, the guest never sees or hears from us as our job is to deliver and pickup the products only. In this option, we bill our property managers on the first of each month for all deliveries that occurred in the prior month. Property Managers sign up with us to receive Wholesale Discount Pricing and having the option to charge guests whatever pricing they deem appropriate. In this option, property managers are the first line of defense for all customer service related items with the guest, contacting us any time additional products are needed, or if there are questions or issues with a prior delivery.

Affiliate Service
An alternative option for property managers is the Affiliate Service option. In this alternative, Honest Sherpa fully manages the entire rental process, including order taking, order management, billing, customer service and delivery. The property manager has no role to fill in this process as we take care of everything. In this option, property managers make vacationers aware of our offerings before they arrive by providing web links to our affiliate landing pages in their confirmation and follow up email sequences, on their web pages, and anywhere else customers might visit. This allows the customer to freely order directly from us and for us to manage their request. In this option, property managers can also place flyers and other marketing collateral inside of the homes they manage so that vacationers can easily scan a bar code, open our mobile app and order anything they might need. No matter how a vacationer orders from us in the Affiliate Service scenario, in each case the order is tracked back to the address where gear where is delivered and identified as a home managed by the property manager. At the end of each month, all orders are tallied up for homes managed by a property manager, and an affiliate fee is sent via wire transfer to an account of the property manager's choosing. While the Affiliate Service is a hands-off approach and the resulting affiliate fees just as valuable as the margin on products sold via the Managed Service option, the question is how much control a property manager prefers to have over the process. In either case, we do everything we can to make the entire process as smooth and efficient as possible for all parties involved.

Order and Delivery Process
Our Order and Delivery Process is very simple, depending on which method you're choosing to use to work with us.

  • Option 1. Managed Service Approach - Manual Processing
    If you're using a Managed Service approach and choose to manage the guest experience yourself, you can take the order from the customer in whatever format you choose, and then order directly on our site, which will display your Wholesale Pricing and allow you to book in a few easy steps. No money is requested during booking - we simply take the order and scheduled it in our software. Once the vacationer's check-in date approaches, we deliver the products directly to the vacation home and pick them up on their check-out date. We bill on the first of each month, so whatever products were delivered during the previous month are billed in that invoice. All invoices are stored in your online account and all of your prior addresses are also stored in the account, making the ordering process quick and efficient.

  • Option 2. Managed Service Approach - Landing Page
    If you choose to use a Managed Service approach, but do not want the hassle of manually entering orders or managing website updates to display all of the products we offer, there is an easier approach. We have developed Landing Page Templates for our Property Managers to use. These templates are white labeled for Property Managers and allow guests to book all products directly on the Landing Page. In this scenario, property managers direct the guests to the landing page web link from the confirmation and follow up email sequences, from the checkout page, or any other touch point the customer might have to ensure that they are aware of all the rental gear and add-on amenities available to them. In this scenario, we manage the landing page for you, ensuring that all available products are available for rent. The booking goes directly into our software, taking away the need for property managers to manually go onto our site and enter orders. . Honest Sherpa then manages the entire ordering process. Property Managers receive a confirmation of the booking and bills guests directly, manages their customer service needs, and Honest Sherpa fulfills the order. As in all cases, once the vacationer's check-in date approaches, we deliver the products rented directly to the vacation home and pick them up on their check-out date. We bill on the first of each month, so whatever products were delivered during the previous month are billed in that invoice. All invoices are stored in your online account.

  • Option 3. Affiliate Service Approach
    If you've decided to go the Affiliate Service Approach, your primary work is around marketing, so you don't have any order, customer service, billing or logistics matters to manage. Honest Sherpa fully manages the entire rental process, including order taking, order management, billing, customer service and delivery. Property managers make vacationers aware of our offerings before they arrive by providing web links to affiliate landing pages located on They can provide these links in their confirmation and follow up email sequences, on their web pages, and anywhere else customers might visit. This allows the customer to freely order directly from us, and for us to manage their request in its entirety. Property Managers are also encouraged to place flyers and other marketing collateral that we provide inside of the homes they manage so that vacationers can easily scan a bar code, open our mobile app and order anything they might need. Every order placed with us on a home managed by a property manager receives a referral fee. The referral fees are set up to match the margin that would have been received by Options 1 or 2 above, so if the property manager wants to take a completely hands-off approach to the process, the Affiliate Service approach will be the best solution for them, making them as much money as the other approaches, with less headaches. It's a No Brainer If you’re a property manager juggling the responsibility for multiple short-term rentals, want to find ways to make even more money on every home you rent, and want to do away with buying, storing and maintaining your own vacation gear, then it's time that you give Honest Sherpa a try.

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